Forename abbreviations
This page lists forenames (first names) together with the variations, abbreviations, and Latin forms that will be found automatically for each forename in a search.
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Go to forenames beginning with:
- Abigail
- abig, abig-, abig., abig:
- Abraham
- abm, abm-, abm., abm:, abr, abr-, abr., abr:, abra, abra-, abra., abra:, abrah, abrah-, abrah., abrah:, abraha, abraha-, abraha., abraha:, abrahm, abrahm-, abrahm., abrahm:, abram, abram-, abram., abram:, abrm, abrm-, abrm., abrm:
- Adam
- adamus
- Adrian
- adrianus, hadrianus
- Agatha
- atha, atha-, atha., atha:
- Agnes
- agn, agn-, agn., agn:
- Alan
- alanus
- Alban
- albanus
- Albert
- albertus
- Albin
- albinus
- Alcuin
- alcuinus
- Alexander
- alex, alex-, alex., alex:, alexand, alexand-, alexand., alexand:, alexandr, alexandr-, alexandr., alexandr:, alexdr, alexdr-, alexdr., alexdr:, alexr, alexr-, alexr., alexr:, allex, allex-, allex., allex:
- Alexandra
- alex, alex-, alex., alex:, alexand, alexand-, alexand., alexand:, alexandr, alexandr-, alexandr., alexandr:, alexdr, alexdr-, alexdr., alexdr:, alexr, alexr-, alexr., alexr:, allex, allex-, allex., allex:
- Alexis
- alexius
- Alfred
- alf, alf-, alf., alf:, alfd, alfd-, alfd., alfd:, alfredus, alfridus
- Alice
- alic, alic-, alic., alic:, alicia
- Aloys
- aloysius
- Alphonse
- alphonsus
- Alvin
- aluinus
- Ambrose
- amb, amb-, amb., amb:, ambrosius
- Amy
- amata
- Anatole
- anatolius
- Andrew
- and, and-, and., and:, andr, andr-, andr., andr:, andreas, andw, andw-, andw., andw:
- Ann
- anna, mary-ann, mary-ann-, mary-ann., mary-ann:, mary-anne, mary-anne-, mary-anne., mary-anne:, sarah-ann, sarah-ann-, sarah-ann., sarah-ann:
- Anselm
- anselmus
- Anthony
- ant, ant-, ant., ant:, anth, anth-, anth., anth:, antho, antho-, antho., antho:, anthy, anthy-, anthy., anthy:, anto, anto-, anto., anto:, antonius, anty, anty-, anty., anty:
- Archibald
- arch, arch-, arch., arch:, archd, archd-, archd., archd:, archibaldus
- Arnold
- arnaldus, arnoldus
- Arnulf
- arnulfus
- Arthur
- art, art-, art., art:, arth, arth-, arth., arth:, arthurus, artorius
- Augustus
- aug, aug-, aug., aug:
- Austin
- augustinus
- Baldwin
- baldovinus
- Barbara
- barb, barb-, barb., barb:, barba, barba-, barba., barba:
- Barnaby
- barnabas
- Bartholomew
- bart, bart-, bart., bart:, barth, barth-, barth., barth:, bartho, bartho-, bartho., bartho:, barthol, barthol-, barthol., barthol:, barthw, barthw-, barthw., barthw:, barw, barw-, barw., barw:
- Basil
- basilius
- Beatrice
- beatrix
- Benjamin
- ben, ben-, ben., ben:, benj, benj-, benj., benj:, benj:n, benja, benja-, benja., benja:, benjam, benjam-, benjam., benjam:, benjamn, benjamn-, benjamn., benjamn:, benjan, benjan-, benjan., benjan:, benjm, benjm-, benjm., benjm:, benjn, benjn-, benjn., benjn:, benn, benn-, benn., benn:
- Bernard
- bernardus
- Beryl
- berylia
- Blanche
- blanca
- Blase
- blasius
- Boniface
- bonifatius
- Bridget
- brid, brid-, brid., brid:, bridgt, bridgt-, bridgt., bridgt:, brigitta
- Carol
- carola
- Catharine
- cath, cath-, cath., cath:, catha, catha-, catha., catha:, cathar, cathar-, cathar., cathar:, cathn, cathn-, cathn., cathn:, cathne, cathne-, cathne., cathne:, cathr, cathr-, cathr., cathr:, cathrn, cathrn-, cathrn., cathrn:
- Catherine
- cath, cath-, cath., cath:, catharina, cathe, cathe-, cathe., cathe:, cather, cather-, cather., cather:, cathn, cathn-, cathn., cathn:, cathne, cathne-, cathne., cathne:, cathr, cathr-, cathr., cathr:, cathrn, cathrn-, cathrn., cathrn:
- Cecil
- caecilius
- Cecilia
- caecilia
- Celeste
- clestina
- Charity
- caritas
- Charles
- carolus, cha, cha-, cha., cha:, char, char-, char., char:, charl, charl-, charl., charl:, charls, charls-, charls., charls:, chars, chars-, chars., chars:, chas, chas-, chas., chas:, chrs, chrs-, chrs., chrs:
- Charlotte
- lottie, lottie-, lottie., lottie:
- Christian
- christ:n, christia-, christianus, christn., xtianus, xtianus-, xtianus., xtianus:
- Christine
- christina
- Christopher
- chr, chr-, chr., chr:, chris, chris-, chris., chris:, chrisr, chrisr-, chrisr., chrisr:, christ, christ-, christ., christ:, christ:n, christia-, christn, christn., christo, christo-, christo., christo:, christop, christop-, christop., christop:, christoph, christoph-, christoph., christoph:, christophorus, christophr, christophr-, christophr., christophr:, christopr, christopr-, christopr., christopr:, christr, christr-, christr., christr:, chro, chro-, chro., chro:, xpr, xpr-, xpr., xpr:, xtopherus, xtopherus-, xtopherus., xtopherus:
- Clare
- clara
- Claude
- claudius
- Claudette
- claudia
- Clement
- clem, clem-, clem., clem:, clemens, clemt, clemt-, clemt., clemt:
- Clementine
- clementina
- Coleman
- colomanus
- Conrad
- conradus
- Constance
- const, const-, const., const:, constantia
- Constant
- constans
- Constantine
- constantinus
- Cornelius
- corn, corn-, corn., corn:
- Crispin
- crispinus
- Cuthbert
- cuth, cuth-, cuth., cuth:, cuthbt, cuthbt-, cuthbt., cuthbt:, cutht, cutht-, cutht., cutht:
- Cyril
- cyrillus
- Daniel
- dan, dan-, dan., dan:, danl, danl-, danl., danl:, danll, danll-, danll., danll:
- David
- dav, dav-, dav., dav:, davd, davd-, davd., davd:
- Deborah
- deb, deb-, deb., deb:
- Denise
- dionysia
- Dennis
- den, den-, den., den:, dionysius
- Derek
- theodoricus
- Dominic
- dominicus
- Donald
- don, don-, don., don:, dond, dond-, dond., dond:, donivaldus
- Dorothy
- dor, dor-, dor., dor:, doro, doro-, doro., doro:, doroth, doroth-, doroth., doroth:, dorothea, dory, dory-, dory., dory:, dy, dy-, dy., dy:
- Douglas
- doug, doug-, doug., doug:
- Dugald
- dugal, dugal-, dugal., dugal:
- Edith
- eda, eda-, eda., eda:, edi, edi-, edi., edi:
- Edmund
- ed, ed-, ed., ed:, edd, edd-, edd., edd:, edm, edm-, edm., edm:, edm:d, edmd, edmd-, edmd., edmd:, edmundus
- Edward
- ed, ed-, ed., ed:, edd, edd-, edd., edd:, edi, edi-, edi., edi:, edrus, edrus-, edrus., edrus:, eduardus, edw, edw'd, edw'd-, edw'd., edw'd:, edw-, edw., edw:, edw:d, edwd, edwd-, edwd., edwd:, edwrd, edwrd-, edwrd., edwrd:, ewd, ewd-, ewd., ewd:
- Eleanor
- eleanr, eleanr-, eleanr., eleanr:, elear, elear-, elear., elear:, eleonora
- Elias
- eli, eli-, eli., eli:
- Elijah
- eli, eli-, eli., eli:, elias
- Eliza
- eliza-, eliza., eliza:, elz, elz-, elz., elz:
- Elizabeth
- elis, elis-, elis., elis:, elis:th, elis:th-, elis:th., elis:th:, elisa, elisa-, elisa., elisa:, elisab, elisab-, elisab., elisab:, elisabeth, elisabth, elisabth-, elisabth., elisabth:, elisath, elisath, elisath, elisath, elisath-, elisath-, elisath-, elisath-, elisath., elisath., elisath., elisath., elisath:, elisath:, elisath:, elisath:, elish, elish-, elish., elish:, elisth, elisth-, elisth., elisth:, elith, elith-, elith., elith:, eliz, eliz'b, eliz'b-, eliz'b., eliz'b:, eliz'h, eliz'h, eliz'h-, eliz'h-, eliz'h., eliz'h., eliz'h:, eliz'h:, eliz'th, eliz'th-, eliz'th., eliz'th:, eliz-, eliz-th, eliz-th-, eliz-th., eliz-th:, eliz., eliz:, eliz:th, eliz:th-, eliz:th., eliz:th:, eliza, eliza-, eliza., eliza:, elizab, elizab-, elizab., elizab:, elizabeth-, elizabeth., elizabeth:, elizabh, elizabh-, elizabh., elizabh:, elizabth, elizabth-, elizabth., elizabth:, elizae, elizae-, elizae., elizae:, elizah, elizah-, elizah., elizah:, elizath, elizath-, elizath., elizath:, elizb, elizb-, elizb., elizb:, elizbeth, elizbeth-, elizbeth., elizbeth:, elizbt, elizbt-, elizbt., elizbt:, elizbth, elizbth-, elizbth., elizbth:, elizh, elizh-, elizh., elizh:, elizt, elizt-, elizt., elizt:, elizth, elizth-, elizth., elizth:, elliz, elliz-, elliz., elliz:, ellizab, ellizab-, ellizab., ellizab:, elsab, elsab-, elsab., elsab:, elyz, elyz-, elyz., elyz:, elyzab, elyzab-, elyzab., elyzab:, elz, elz-, elz., elz:, elzab, elzab-, elzab., elzab:, elzth, elzth-, elzth., elzth:
- Elmer
- adelmarus
- Elspeth
- elsp, elsp-, elsp., elsp:
- Emery
- americus
- Emile
- aemilius
- Emily
- aemilia, em, em-, em., em:, emly, emly-, emly., emly:, emm, emm-, emm., emm:
- Emma
- em, em-, em., em:, emm, emm-, emm., emm:
- Eric
- ericus
- Ernest
- ernestus
- Esther
- esth, esth-, esth., esth:
- Eugene
- eugenius
- Eve
- eva
- Everett
- everardus
- Ezekiel
- ezek, ezek-, ezek., ezek:
- Fabian
- fabianus
- Faith
- fides
- Felicia
- felicia
- Felicity
- felicitas
- Ferdinand
- ferdinandus
- Florence
- florentia, florrie, florrie-, florrie., florrie:
- Frances
- fra, fra-, fra., fra:, fran, fran-, fran., fran:, franc, franc-, franc., franc:, francs, francs-, francs., francs:, frans, frans-, frans., frans:, fras, fras-, fras., fras:, fs, fs-, fs., fs:
- Franchesca
- franc, franc-, franc., franc:, francs, francs-, francs., francs:, frans, frans-, frans., frans:, fras, fras-, fras., fras:
- Francis
- fra, fra-, fra., fra:, fran, fran-, fran., fran:, franc, franc-, franc., franc:, franciscus, francs, francs-, francs., francs:, frans, frans-, frans., frans:, fras, fras-, fras., fras:, fs, fs-, fs., fs:
- Franco
- froo, froo-, froo., froo:
- Frederick
- fred, fred'k, fred'k-, fred'k., fred'k:, fred-, fred., fred:, frederic, frederic-, frederic., frederic:, fredk, fredk-, fredk., fredk:, fridericus
- Gabriel
- gab, gab-, gab., gab:
- Gabriella
- gab, gab-, gab., gab:
- Gabrielle
- gab, gab-, gab., gab:
- Geoffrey
- geof, geof-, geof., geof:, godefridus
- George
- geo, geo-, geo., geo:, geoe, geoe-, geoe., geoe:, geor, geor-, geor., geor:, georg, georg-, georg., georg:, georgius
- Georgiana
- geo, geo-, geo., geo:
- Gerald
- geraldus
- Gerard
- gerardus
- Gertrude
- gertie, gertie-, gertie., gertie:, gertrudis, gerty, gerty-, gerty., gerty:
- Gilbert
- gilb, gilb-, gilb., gilb:, gilbt, gilbt-, gilbt., gilbt:
- Giles
- aegidius
- Gillian
- juliana
- Gloria
- gloria
- Godfrey
- godf, godf-, godf., godf:
- Grace
- gratia
- Gregory
- greg, greg-, greg., greg:, gregorius
- Griffith
- gr, gr-, gr., gr:, griffth, griffth-, griffth., griffth:
- Gulielmus
- guil, guil-, guil., guil:, guilieli, guilieli-, guilieli., guilieli:, gul, gul-, gul., gul:, guli, guli-, guli., guli:, guliel, guliel-, guliel., guliel:, gulielm, gulielm-, gulielm., gulielm:, gulielmi, gulielmi-, gulielmi., gulielmi:, gull, gull-, gull., gull:
- Gustave
- gustavus
- Guy
- guido, vitus
- Hacon
- hacuinus
- Hannah
- han, han-, han., han:, hanh, hanh-, hanh., hanh:, hann, hann-, hann., hann:, hannh, hannh-, hannh., hannh:
- Hardwin
- arduinus
- Harmony
- harmonia
- Harold
- haraldus
- Heather
- erica
- Helen
- hel, hel-, hel., hel:, helena
- Heloise
- eloisa
- Henrici
- henric, henric-, henric., henric:
- Henrietta
- henrica
- Henry
- hen, hen-, hen., hen:, henery, henery-, henery., henery:, henr, henr-, henr., henr:, henric, henric-, henric., henric:, henrici, henrici-, henrici., henrici:, henricus, heny, heny-, heny., heny:, hy, hy-, hy., hy:
- Herbert
- herb, herb-, herb., herb:, herbertus, heribertus
- Herman
- armandus, hermanus
- Hilary
- hilaria, hilarius
- Homer
- homerus
- Honor
- honoria
- Honorable
- hon, hon-, hon., hon:, honble, honble-, honble., honble:, honr, honr-, honr., honr:
- Hope
- spes
- Horace
- horatius
- Howard
- huardus
- Hubert
- hubertus
- Hugo
- hugo
- Humphrey
- hump, hump-, hump., hump:, humph, humph-, humph., humph:, humphr, humphr-, humphr., humphr:, humpy, humpy-, humpy., humpy:, onuphrius
- Hyacinth
- hyacintha
- Ignatius
- ignatius
- Illegitimus
- illeg, illeg-, illeg., illeg:
- Isaac
- isaak, ishachus
- Isabel
- isa, isa-, isa., isa:, isab, isab-, isab., isab:, isaba, isaba-, isaba., isaba:, isb, isb-, isb., isb:, isob, isob-, isob., isob:
- Isabella
- isa, isa-, isa., isa:, isab, isab-, isab., isab:, isaba, isaba-, isaba., isaba:, isob, isob-, isob., isob:
- Isaiah
- isa, isa-, isa., isa:, jesaias
- Isidore
- isidorus
- Jacob
- jacob-, jacob., jacob:
- Jacqueline
- jacoba
- James
- jabus, jabus-, jabus., jabus:, jac, jac-, jac., jac:, jacobus, jacomus, jas, jas-, jas., jas:
- Jane
- jane-, jane., jane:
- Janet
- jant, jant-, jant., jant:
- Jarvis
- gervasius
- Jasper
- gasparus
- Jeffery
- jeff, jeff-, jeff., jeff:
- Jeremiah
- jer, jer-, jer., jer:, jere, jere-, jere., jere:, jerem, jerem-, jerem., jerem:, jeremh, jeremh-, jeremh., jeremh:, jerh, jerh-, jerh., jerh:
- Jeremy
- jer, jer-, jer., jer:, jere, jere-, jere., jere:, jerem, jerem-, jerem., jerem:, jeremh, jeremh-, jeremh., jeremh:, jeremias, jerh, jerh-, jerh., jerh:
- Jerome
- hieronymus
- Jesse
- isai
- Joan
- johanna
- Johanna
- joha, joha-, joha., joha:, johan, johan-, johan., johan:
- Johannes
- joh, joh-, joh., joh:, johan, johan-, johan., johan:, johanes, johanes-, johanes., johanes:, johes, johes-, johes., johes:, johnes, johnes-, johnes., johnes:
- Johannis
- johanis, johanis-, johanis., johanis:, johis, johis-, johis., johis:
- John
- ioh, ioh-, ioh., ioh:, jhn, jhn-, jhn., jhn:, jho, jho-, jho., jho:, jn, jn-, jn., jn:, jn:o, jno, jno-, jno., jno:, jo, jo-, jo., jo:, joh, joh-, joh., joh:, johannes, johannis, john-, john., john:
- Jonah
- jonas
- Jonathan
- jon, jon-, jon., jon:, jona, jona-, jona., jona:, jonan, jonan-, jonan., jonan:, jonat, jonat-, jonat., jonat:, jonath, jonath-, jonath., jonath:, jonathn, jonathn-, jonathn., jonathn:, jonn, jonn-, jonn., jonn:
- Jordan
- jordanus
- Joseph
- joe, joe-, joe., joe:, jos, jos-, jos., jos:, josephus, josp, josp-, josp., josp:, josph, josph-, josph., josph:, jsp, jsp-, jsp., jsp:
- Josephine
- josephina
- Joshua
- josa, josa-, josa., josa:, josh, josh-, josh., josh:, josua
- Josiah
- josh, josh-, josh., josh:
- Joy
- gaudentia
- Judas
- jud, jud-, jud., jud:
- Judith
- jud, jud-, jud., jud:
- Jules
- julius
- Julian
- julianus
- Julie
- julia
- Junior
- jn, jn-, jn., jn:, jnr, jnr-, jnr., jnr:, jr, jr-, jr., jr:, jun, jun-, jun., jun:, junr, junr-, junr., junr:
- Justin
- justinus
- Justine
- justina
- Katharine
- kat, kat-, kat., kat:, kath, kath-, kath., kath:, kathar, kathar-, kathar., kathar:, kathr, kathr-, kathr., kathr:
- Katherine
- kat, kat-, kat., kat:, kath, kath-, kath., kath:, kather, kather-, kather., kather:, kathr, kathr-, kathr., kathr:
- Lancelot
- lanc, lanc-, lanc., lanc:
- Laurence
- lau, lau-, lau., lau:, laur, laur-, laur., laur:, laurentius
- Lawrence
- law, law-, law., law:, lawr, lawr-, lawr., lawr:
- Leon
- leo
- Leonard
- leo, leo-, leo., leo:, leon, leon-, leon., leon:, leonardus, leond, leond-, leond., leond:
- Leopold
- leopoldus
- Lewis
- ludovicus
- Livy
- livius
- Louisa
- ludovica
- Lucy
- lucia
- Luke
- lucas
- Luther
- lotharius
- Lydia
- lyd, lyd-, lyd., lyd:
- Mabel
- amabilia
- Magdalen
- magdalena
- Marcel
- marcellus
- Margaret
- mag, mag-, mag., mag:, maggie, maggie-, maggie., maggie:, mags, mags-, mags., mags:, magt, magt-, magt., magt:, mar, mar-, mar., mar:, marg, marg't, marg't-, marg't., marg't:, marg-, marg., marg:, marg:t, marga, marga-, marga., marga:, margar, margar-, margar., margar:, margaretha, margart, margart-, margart., margart:, margat, margat-, margat., margat:, marget, marget-, marget., marget:, margr, margr-, margr., margr:, margrt, margrt-, margrt., margrt:, margt, margt-, margt., margt:, margtt, margtt-, margtt., margtt:, mgt, mgt-, mgt., mgt:
- Marian
- marianna
- Marjory
- marj, marj-, marj., marj:
- Mark
- marcus
- Marmaduke
- marmad, marmad-, marmad., marmad:
- Martha
- mart, mart-, mart., mart:, marth, marth-, marth., marth:
- Martin
- mart, mart-, mart., mart:, martinus
- Mary
- mar, mar-, mar., mar:, maria, mary-, mary-ann, mary-ann-, mary-ann., mary-ann:, mary-anne, mary-anne-, mary-anne., mary-anne:, mary., mary:, mry, mry-, mry., mry:, my, my-, my., my:, rose-mary, rose-mary-, rose-mary., rose-mary:
- Matilda
- mathilda
- Matthew
- mat, mat-, mat., mat:, math, math-, math., math:, mathew, mathew-, mathew., mathew:, mathw, mathw-, mathw., mathw:, matt, matt-, matt., matt:, matth, matth-, matth., matth:, matthaeus, matthw, matthw-, matthw., matthw:, mattw, mattw-, mattw., mattw:, matw, matw-, matw., matw:
- Matthias
- math, math-, math., math:, matt, matt-, matt., matt:, matth, matth-, matth., matth:
- Maurice
- mau, mau-, mau., mau:, mauritius
- Maxime
- maximus
- Maximilian
- maximilianus
- Michael
- mic, mic-, mic., mic:, mich, mich-, mich., mich:, michl, michl-, michl., michl:, micls, micls-, micls., micls:
- Millicent
- mill, mill-, mill., mill:
- Natalie
- natalia
- Nathan
- nat, nat-, nat., nat:, nath, nath-, nath., nath:
- Nathaniel
- nat, nat-, nat., nat:, nath, nath-, nath., nath:, nathal, nathal-, nathal., nathal:, nathan, nathan'l, nathan'l-, nathan'l., nathan'l:, nathan-, nathan., nathan:, nathanl, nathanl-, nathanl., nathanl:, nathl, nathl-, nathl., nathl:, nathll, nathll-, nathll., nathll:
- Nicholas
- nic, nic-, nic., nic:, nich, nich-, nich., nich:, nichi, nichi-, nichi., nichi:, nichls, nichls-, nichls., nichls:, nicho, nicho-, nicho., nicho:, nichol, nichol-, nichol., nichol:, nichos, nichos-, nichos., nichos:, nichs, nichs-, nichs., nichs:, nick, nick-, nick., nick:, nico, nico-, nico., nico:, nicolaus, nics, nics-, nics., nics:
- Nicole
- nicola
- Noel
- natalis
- Norbert
- norbertus
- Oliver
- ol, ol-, ol., ol:, oliverus
- Oscar
- ansgarus
- Pancras
- pancratius
- Pascal
- paschalis
- Patricia
- pat, pat-, pat., pat:, patr, patr-, patr., patr:
- Patrick
- pat, pat-, pat., pat:, patr, patr-, patr., patr:, patricius
- Paul
- paulus
- Paula
- paula
- Pearl
- perla
- Penelope
- pen, pen-, pen., pen:
- Peter
- pet, pet-, pet., pet:, petr, petr-, petr., petr:, petrus
- Philip
- ph, ph-, ph., ph:, phil, phil-, phil., phil:, philippus, phill, phill-, phill., phill:, philp, philp-, philp., philp:
- Phineas
- phin, phin-, phin., phin:
- Phyllis
- phyl, phyl-, phyl., phyl:
- Priscilla
- prisc, prisc-, prisc., prisc:
- Prudence
- pru, pru-, pru., pru:, prudentia
- Quentin
- quintinus
- Rachel
- rach, rach-, rach., rach:
- Randall
- rand, rand-, rand., rand:, randl, randl-, randl., randl:
- Randolph
- rand, rand-, rand., rand:, randl, randl-, randl., randl:
- Raymond
- raimundus, ray, ray-, ray., ray:
- Rebecca
- reb, reb-, reb., reb:, rebec, rebec-, rebec., rebec:
- Reginald
- reg, reg-, reg., reg:
- Rene
- renatus
- Renee
- renata
- Ricardus
- richus, richus-, richus., richus:, ricus, ricus-, ricus., ricus:
- Richard
- dick, dick-, dick., dick:, ric, ric-, ric., ric:, ricardus, ricd, ricd-, ricd., ricd:, rich, rich'd, rich'd-, rich'd., rich'd:, rich-, rich., rich.d, rich.d-, rich.d., rich.d:, rich:, rich:d, rich:d-, rich:d., rich:d:, richa, richa-, richa., richa:, richd, richd-, richd., richd:, richdus, richdus-, richdus., richdus:, richi, richi-, richi., richi:, richus, richus-, richus., richus:, ricus, ricus-, ricus., ricus:, rid, rid-, rid., rid:
- Robert
- rbt, rbt-, rbt., rbt:, rob, rob't, rob't-, rob't., rob't:, rob-, rob., rob.t, rob.t-, rob.t., rob.t:, rob:, rob:t, rob:t-, rob:t., rob:t:, robertus, robt, robt-, robt., robt:, robte, robte-, robte., robte:, robti, robti-, robti., robti:, robtus, robtus-, robtus., robtus:, rupertus
- Robertus
- robtus, robtus-, robtus., robtus:
- Rocky
- rochus
- Roderick
- rodk, rodk-, rodk., rodk:
- Roger
- rodgerus, rog, rog-, rog., rog:, rogr, rogr-, rogr., rogr:
- Roland
- rolandus
- Roman
- romanus
- Ronald
- ronaldus
- Rose
- rosa, rose-mary, rose-mary-, rose-mary., rose-mary:
- Ruby
- rubina
- Rudolph
- rudolphus
- Samantha
- sam, sam-, sam., sam:
- Samuel
- sam, sam'l, sam'l-, sam'l., sam'l:, sam-, sam., sam:, sam:l, sam:ll, saml, saml-, saml., saml:, samll, samll-, samll., samll:, samu, samu-, samu., samu:
- Sara
- sara-, sara., sara:
- Sarah
- sar, sar-, sar., sar:, sara, sarah-, sarah-ann, sarah-ann-, sarah-ann., sarah-ann:, sarah., sarah:, sarh, sarh-, sarh., sarh:
- Saul
- saulus
- Serge
- sergius
- Servatius
- servatius
- Sidney
- sidonius
- Simon
- sim, sim-, sim., sim:, simonis
- Simone
- simona
- Solomon
- salomo, sol, sol-, sol., sol:
- Stanley
- stanislaus
- Stephanie
- stephania
- Stephen
- ste, ste-, ste., ste:, step, step-, step., step:, steph, steph-, steph., steph:, stephanus, stephn, stephn-, stephn., stephn:, stepn, stepn-, stepn., stepn:
- Susan
- sus, sus-, sus., sus:, susanna
- Susanna
- susan, susan-, susan., susan:, susna, susna-, susna., susna:
- Susannah
- susanh, susanh-, susanh., susanh:
- Swain
- suenius
- Sybil
- sybilla
- Sylvester
- silv, silv-, silv., silv:
- Tancred
- tancredus
- Terence
- terentius
- Theobald
- theobaldus
- Theodore
- theo, theo-, theo., theo:, theodorus
- Theresa
- theresia
- Thomas
- tho, tho's, tho's-, tho's., tho's:, tho-, tho., tho:, tho:s, tho:s-, tho:s., tho:s:, thom, thom-, thom., thom:, thoma, thoma-, thoma., thoma:, thomas-, thomas., thomas:, thoms, thoms-, thoms., thoms:, thos, thos-, thos., thos:, tom, tom-, tom., tom:, tos, tos-, tos., tos:
- Timothy
- tim, tim-, tim., tim:, timo, timo-, timo., timo:, timotheus, timy, timy-, timy., timy:
- Toby
- tobias
- Tully
- tullius
- Ulric
- ulricus
- Ursula
- urs, urs-, urs., urs:
- Valentine
- val, val-, val., val:, valentinus
- Vergil
- vergilius
- Verity
- veritas
- Victory
- victoria
- Vincent
- vinc, vinc-, vinc., vinc:, vincentius
- Violet
- viola
- Virgil
- virgilius
- Vivian
- viviana, vivianus
- Vladislav
- ladislaus
- Walfred
- galfridus
- Walter
- gualcherius, gualterus, walt, walt-, walt., walt:, waltr, waltr-, waltr., waltr:
- Warner
- guernerus
- Warren
- guerinus
- Wilbert
- gilbertus
- William
- guglielmus, guil, guil-, guil., guil:, guilieli, guilieli-, guilieli., guilieli:, gul, gul-, gul., gul:, guli, guli-, guli., guli:, guliel, guliel-, guliel., guliel:, gulielm, gulielm-, gulielm., gulielm:, gulielmi, gulielmi-, gulielmi., gulielmi:, gulielmus, gull, gull-, gull., gull:, w'm, w'm-, w'm., w'm:, w:m, w:m-, w:m., w:m:, wil, wil-, wil., wil:, will, will'm, will'm-, will'm., will'm:, will-, will-m, will., will:, will:m, willa-, willi, willi-, willi., willi:, willia, willia-, willia., willia:, william-, william., william:, williamus, williamus-, williamus., williamus:, willie, willie-, willie., willie:, willim, willim-, willim., willim:, willimi, willimi-, willimi., willimi:, willimus, willimus-, willimus., willimus:, willius, willius-, willius., willius:, willm, willm-, willm., willm:, willmi, willmi-, willmi., willmi:, willms, willms-, willms., willms:, willmus, willmus-, willmus., willmus:, wills, wills-, wills., wills:, willym, willym-, willym., willym:, wilm, wilm-, wilm., wilm:, wim, wim-, wim., wim:, wllm, wllm-, wllm., wllm:, wlm, wlm-, wlm., wlm:, wm, wm-, wm., wm:, wmi, wmi-, wmi., wmi:, wmus, wmus-, wmus., wmus:, wyll, wyll-, wyll., wyll:, wyllm, wyllm-, wyllm., wyllm:
- Williamina
- willia, willia-, willia., willia:
- Willimus
- willimi, willimi-, willimi., willimi:, willius, willius-, willius., willius:, willms, willms-, willms., willms:, willmus, willmus-, willmus., willmus:, wills, wills-, wills., wills:, wmus, wmus-, wmus., wmus:
- Winifred
- win, win-, win., win:
- Xavier
- xaverus
- Yolanda
- iolantha
- Zachariah
- zach, zach-, zach., zach:
- Zacharius
- zach, zach-, zach., zach:
- Zachary
- zacharias