Forename abbreviations
This page lists forenames (first names) together with the variations, abbreviations, and Latin forms that will be found automatically for each forename in a search.
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Go to forenames beginning with:
- Aaron
- aron
- Abel
- abell, able
- Abigail
- abby, abi, abigael, abigaell, abigaile, abigaill, abigal, abigale, abigall
- Abraham
- abm, abm., abr, abr., abr:, abra, abra., abra:, abrahami, abrahamus, abram, abram., abrm, abrm.
- Absalom
- absolam, absolom
- Ada
- adah
- Adam
- adame, adami, adamus, addam
- Adela
- adele
- Adeline
- adelina
- Agnes
- ag, agn, agnas, agness, agnet, agneta, agnetae, agnete, agnetis, agnis, agnus, agnys, anes, anice, anis, annes, annice, annis, annys, anys, nesta
- Alan
- allen
- Alban
- albany, albin, albion
- Albert
- al, albertus
- Alethea
- alathea, althea
- Alexander
- alec, alex, alex'r, alex., alex:, alexandr, alexandri, alexr, alexr., alexsander, alick, alixander, allexander
- Alexandra
- alexandrina
- Alfred
- al, alf
- Alice
- ailce, ailes, alce, ales, alic, alicea, alicia, aliciae, aliciam, alicie, alies, alis, alise, allce, alles, allice, allicia, allis, alls, allse, allyce, als, alse, alyce, alys, aylce
- Alison
- alisone, allison, ally, alson
- Allen
- alan, allan, allin
- Ambrose
- ambros, ambrosius
- Amelia
- amilia, amy
- Amphillis
- amphilis
- Amy
- ame, amee, amelia, amey, ami, amia, amie, amye
- Andrea
- andreae
- Andrew
- and, and., andr, andreas, andrewe, andro, androw, andw, andw.
- Angus
- eneas
- Ann
- an, an., ana, ane, anna, annae, annah, annam, anne, annie, anny, marianne, mary-ann, mary-anne, nan, nancey, nancy, nanney, nanny
- Annabella
- annabel, annable
- Anne
- ann, annie
- Annette
- annetta
- Annie
- ann, anne
- Anstice
- anstis
- Anthony
- ant, anth, anth., antho, antho., antho:, anthoney, anthoni, anthonie, anthonii, anthonij, anthonius, anthonye, anthy, antoney, antonie, antonii, antonio, antonius, antony, antonye, tony
- Aquila
- aquilla
- Arabella
- arrabella
- Archibald
- arch, archbald, archbold, archd, archibold, archie
- Arthur
- arter, arther, arthure, arthuri, arthurus, athur, auther
- Audrey
- audrie, audry, audrye, awdry, etheldred, etheldreda
- Augustine
- augustin
- Augustus
- august
- Austin
- austen
- Avis
- aves, avice
- Barbara
- barb, barba, barbarah, barbarie, barbary, barbera, barbery, barbra
- Barnabas
- barnabus, barnaby
- Barnaby
- barnabe, barnabie
- Barry
- barrie, berry
- Bartholomew
- barth, bartho, bartholemew, bartholmew, bartholomei, bartholomeus, bartholomewe, batholomew
- Bathsheba
- bethsheba
- Beatrice
- beatrix, betteris, bettrice, bettris
- Benjamin
- banjamin, bejamin, ben, ben., ben:, beniamen, beniamin, beniamine, beniamyn, benj, benj'n, benj., benj.n., benj:, benja, benja., benjaman, benjamen, benjamine, benjaminus, benjiman, benjm, benjm., benjn, benjn., benjn:
- Bennet
- benet, benett, bennett
- Bernard
- barnard, bernardi, bernardus
- Bertie
- bert, bertram
- Bertram
- bartram, bertie
- Bethia
- bathia, bethiah
- Blanche
- blanch
- Brian
- briani, bryan
- Brice
- bryce
- Bridget
- biddy, birgitta, birgittae, bridgett, bridgetta, bridgit, bridgitt, briget, brigett, brigetta, brigget, brigida, brigidae, brigit, brigitt, brigitta, brigittae
- Bryan
- brian
- Bryant
- briant
- Carl
- karl
- Caroline
- carol, carole, carolina, carolyn, carrie
- Carrie
- carry
- Catharine
- catherine
- Catherine
- cate, caterine, cath, cath., cath:, catharin, catharina, catharinae, catharinam, catharine, cathe, cather, cather., catheren, catherin, catherina, catherinae, catherinam, cathern, catherne, catheryn, catheryne, cathn, cathne, cathren, cathrin, cathrine, catrine, chatherine, kate, kateren, katerin, katerina, katerine, kateryn, kateryne, kath, kath., kath:, katharen, katharin, katharina, katharine, katheran, katheren, katherin, katherina, katherinae, katherine, kathern, katherne, katheryn, katheryne, kathren, kathrin, kathrine, kathryn, katie, katren, katrin, katrine, katteren, kitty
- Cecilia
- cecelia, cecile, cecilie, cecily, ciceley, cicelia, cicelie, cicely, cicelye, cicilia, cicilie, cicily, cisley, cissie, cissy, cycely, sicely, sicily, sisley, sisly
- Charity
- charitie
- Charles
- caroli, carolus, ch, cha, cha., chales, chalres, charels, charl, charle, charley, charlie, charls, chas, chas., chs
- Charlotte
- charlot, charlote, charlott, charlotta, lottie, lotty
- Christabell
- christabel
- Christian
- christain, christan, christen, cristian, xtian
- Christiana
- christianna
- Christina
- christiane, christine
- Christine
- christina, christy
- Christopher
- chr, chr., chr:, chris, chris., chris:, chrisr, chrisr., christ, christ., christo, christo., christo:, christofer, christoferi, christoferus, christoper, christopheri, christopherus, christophori, christover, christr, christr., chrystopher, cristofer, cristopher, xpo., xpofer, xpoferi, xpoferus, xpopher, xtopher
- Christy
- chirsty
- Cicely
- cisly
- Clara
- clare
- Clare
- claire, clara, clary, clear
- Clarissa
- clarice
- Claude
- claud, claudius
- Clemence
- clementia
- Clement
- clem, clemence, clemens, clemt
- Clementina
- clementine
- Clementine
- clementina
- Colin
- collin
- Constance
- connie, constant, constantia
- Cornelius
- cornelious, cornelis
- Cuthbert
- cutbert, cuth, cuth., cuthbart, cuthberti
- Daniel
- dan, dan'l, dan., dan:, danel, danell, danial, danielis, daniell, danil, danill, danl, danl., danll, danniel, danniell, danyel, danyell
- David
- dafydd, dauid, davidis, davidus, davie, davy, davyd
- Davy
- davye
- Deborah
- deb, debora, debra
- Denise
- dionisia
- Dennis
- denis, dennes, denny, dennys, denys, dionis, dionysius
- Derek
- derick, derrick
- Diana
- dinah
- Dinah
- diana, dianah, diane, dianna, dina
- Dominic
- dominick
- Donald
- dond
- Doris
- dorris
- Dorothy
- darothy, dolly, dor, dora, dorathe, dorathea, dorathie, dorathy, dorathye, doraty, dorethe, dorethie, dorethy, dorithe, dorithea, dorithie, dorithy, dorithye, doritie, dority, doro, doroth., dorotha, dorothe, dorothea, dorotheae, dorothee, dorothey, dorothia, dorothie, dorothye, dorrothy, dorthy, dorythy
- Drusilla
- drucilla, druscilla
- Edith
- eadith, eda, edeth, editha, edithe, edy, edyth
- Edmund
- ed, ed., ed:, edd, eddy, edm, edm'd, edm., edm:, edman, edmand, edmd, edmd., edmon, edmond, edmonde, edmondi, edmondus, edmun, edmunde, edmundi, edmundus, ned
- Edward
- ed, ed., ed:, edd, eddy, edri, eduardi, eduardus, edvardi, edvardus, edw, edw', edw'd, edw., edw:, edwad, edwarde, edwardi, edwards, edwardus, edwd, edwd., edwd:, edwrd, ned
- Edwin
- edwyn
- Edy
- edey, edie
- Eldred
- aldred
- Eleanor
- elanor, eleaner, eleanora, eleanour, elener, elenor, elenora, eleoner, eleonor, eleonora, elianor, eliner, elinor, elinora, elioner, elionor, ellanor, elleanor, ellener, ellenor, ellenora, ellianor, elliner, ellinor, ellioner, ellnor, ellynor, elner, elnor, elnr, eloner, elynor, helenor
- Eleazar
- eleazer, eliezer
- Eli
- elias, elijah
- Elias
- eli
- Elijah
- eli, elias, elija
- Elisha
- elizeus
- Eliza
- elice, elise, elizabeth, elize, elles, elsa, else, elz
- Elizabeth
- bess, bessey, bessie, bessy, bet, betsey, betsy, bett, bettey, bettie, betty, bety, eilzabeth, eizabeth, elesabeth, elesebeth, elezabath, elezabeth, elezebeth, eliabeth, elilzabeth, elis, elis., elis:, elisa, elisab, elisab., elisabeth, elisabetha, elisabethae, elisbeth, elisebeth, elisth, elisth., elixabeth, eliz, eliz', eliz'h, eliz'th, eliz., eliz.a,,, eliz:, eliz:th, eliza, eliza., eliza:, elizab, elizab', elizab., elizab:, elizabath, elizabeath, elizabeh, elizaberth, elizabet, elizabeta, elizabeth', elizabetha, elizabethae, elizabetham, elizabethe, elizabh, elizabth, elizabth., elizae, elizaebth, elizaeth, elizah, elizath, elizath., elizb, elizb., elizbath, elizbeth, elizbth, elizbth., elizebath, elizebeth, elizebth, elizh, elizh., elizibeth, elizt, elizt., elizth, elizth., elizth:, ellizabeth, elsabeth, elsabethe, elsebeth, elsie, elspet, elspeth, elspith, elysabeth, elysabth, elyz, elyzabeth, elyzabethe, elz, elzabeth, elzabethe, elzebeth, elziabeth, liza, lizzie, lizzy, wlizabeth
- Ella
- ely
- Ellen
- aileen, elen, elena, elene, elin, eline, ellena, ellenae, ellene, ellin, ellina, elline, ellyn, ellyne, elyn, helen, helena, helenae, helenam
- Elling
- eling
- Elliott
- elliot
- Ellis
- ellice
- Emanuel
- emanuell, emmanuel, manuel
- Emblyn
- emblen, emblin
- Emily
- em, emelia, emely, emila, emilia, emilie, emm
- Emma
- em, ema, eme, emm, emmae, emme, emmie, emmy, emy
- Emmanuel
- emanuel, immanuel
- Emmeline
- emeline, emiline, emlin, emlyn, emmaline
- Emmet
- emmett
- Enoch
- enock
- Ephraim
- ephriam
- Ernest
- earnest
- Esther
- easter, easther, ester, heaster, hester, hesther
- Eugenie
- eugenia
- Eunice
- unice
- Euphemia
- effie, eupham
- Eva
- eve
- Evan
- evani, evanus
- Evelyn
- evaline, evelina, eveline, evelyne
- Everett
- everitt
- Ewart
- eward
- Ewen
- ewan
- Ezekiel
- ezechiell, ezekial, ezekiell
- Faith
- fayth
- Ferdinand
- fardinando, ferdinando
- Florence
- flora, florance, florentia, florie, florrie, florry, flory, flossie
- Foulk
- foulke
- Frances
- faney, fanney, fannie, fanny, fany, ffrances, fra, fran, fran., fran:, franc, franc., francesca, francese, francess, francies, francis, francisca, franciscae, francs, francys, frannces, frans, frans., franses, fras, fras., fraunces
- Francis
- ffrancis, ffrauncis, fr, fra, fra., fra:, fran, fran., fran:, franc, franc., frances, francisci, francisco, franciscus, franciss, francois, francs, francys, frank, franncis, franncys, frans, frans., fransis, fras, fras., frauncis
- Frederick
- fred, fred., freddy, frederic, fredericus, fredk, fredk., fredric, fredrick
- Gabriel
- gabrell, gabriell, gabrill
- Garrett
- garret
- Gary
- garry
- Gawen
- gawin, gawine
- Gaynor
- gainor
- Geoffrey
- galfridi, galfridus, geffrey, geoffry, jeffery
- George
- geo, geo', geo., geo:, geoe, geoe., geoe:, geoge, geor, geor., geore, georg, georg., georgi, georgii, georgij, georgio, georgium, georgius, geroge, goerge, gorg, gorge
- Georgiana
- georgina
- Georgina
- georgiana, georgianna
- Gerard
- gerrard
- Gertrude
- gartred, gartrude, gertie, gertude, gerty
- Gilbert
- gilbart, gilberti, gilbertus, gilbt, gylbert
- Giles
- egidius, gilles, gyles
- Gillian
- jillian, juliana
- Gladys
- gwladys
- Godfrey
- godfray, godfridi, godfry
- Grace
- gracia, graciae, gracie, grase, gratia, gratiae
- Gregory
- gregorie, gregorii, gregorius, gregorye, grigory
- Griffin
- griffinus
- Griffith
- griffinus
- Grizel
- grissel, grissell, grizell, grizzel
- Gwen
- gwendoline, gwenllian, gwenn, gwenna, gwenny
- Gwendoline
- gwen, gwendolen
- Gwenllian
- gwenllyan, wenllian
- Hammond
- hamond
- Hannah
- anna, han, han'h, han., han.h., hana, hana., hanah, hananh, hanh, hanh., hanna, hannae, hannh
- Harold
- harrold
- Harriet
- hariet, hariett, hariot, hariott, harriett, harrietta, harriette, harriot, harriott, henrietta
- Heber
- eber
- Helen
- ellen, helena, helenae, helenam, helene, helin, hellen, hellena, hellenae, hellene, hellin
- Henrietta
- ettie, etty, henny, henriette, hettie, hetty
- Henry
- hanry, harie, harrie, harry, harrye, hary, hen, hen., hen:, henary, henerey, henerici, henericus, henerie, henery, henerye, hennery, henr, henr., henrey, henri, henric, henrici, henricum, henricus, henrie, henrye, heny, heny., herny, hy, hy.
- Hephzibah
- hepzibah
- Herbert
- harbert
- Herman
- harman, hermann, hermon
- Hilary
- hillary
- Honor
- honer, honner, honnor, honora, honoria, honour
- Honour
- honor
- Horace
- horatio
- Hugh
- heugh, hew, hewe, hewgh, hue, hughe, hugo, hugonis
- Humphrey
- homfrey, hum, humfery, humffrey, humfray, humfrey, humfridi, humfridus, humfrie, humfry, humfrye, humph, humphery, humphrie, humphry, umphrey
- Isaac
- isaaci, isaack, isaacke, isaacus, isaak, isac, isacc, isack, isacke, issac
- Isabel
- isabella
- Isabella
- esabell, isab, isab., isaba, isabel, isabela, isabell, isabellae, isabelle, isable, isbel, isbell, isobel, isobell, isobella, isoble, issabel, issabell, issabella, issable, issobel, issobell, izabel, izabell, izabella
- Isaiah
- isa, isiah
- Ishmael
- ismael
- Isott
- isett
- Israel
- israell
- Jacob
- jacobi, jacobo, jacobum, jacobus
- James
- ja, ja's, ja., ja.s, ja:, jacobi, jacobo, jacobum, jacobus, jam, jam., jam:, jame, jamie, jamis, jams, jams., jamys, janes, jas, jas., jeames, jeams, jim
- Jane
- iane, jain, jaine, jame, jan, jana, janae, janam, janes, janey, janie, janna, janne, jayne, jean, jeane, jeanie, jeanne, jeannie, jene, joana, joanna, joannae, joannah, joannam, johanna, jonae
- Janet
- genet, gennet, janat, janeta, janett, janetta, janette, jann, jannet, jannett, jeanette, jeannette, jenat, jenet, jeneta, jenett, jenetta, jenit, jennat, jennet, jenneta, jennett, jennetta, jennette, jennit, jenot, jonet, jonett, jonnet
- Jarvis
- garvis, gervas, gervase, gervis, jervas, jervis
- Jasper
- jaspar, jesper
- Jeffery
- geoffrey, jefery, jefferey, jefferie, jefferye, jeffray, jeffrey, jeffry, jeoffrey, jeoffry
- Jemima
- jamima, jemimah, jemina, jemmima
- Jennifer
- jenefer, jenepher, jenifer, jenifred, jenipher, jennefer
- Jenny
- jeney, jenney, jennie, jennifer, jinny
- Jeptha
- jephthah
- Jeremiah
- jer, jer., jeramiah, jere, jeremia, jeremiae, jeremias, jeremie, jeremy, jeremye, jerimiah, jerimy, jerry
- Jeremy
- jer., jere
- Jessie
- jess, jessey, jessy
- Joan
- ioane, ione, jhoan, jhoane, jhone, joanah, joane, joann, joanna, joannae, joannam, joanne, joha, johan, johan., johana, johanah, johane, johanna, johannae, johannah, johanne, jonae, jone, jonne, joone
- Job
- jobe
- Joel
- joell
- John
- iohn, jack, jhn, jhon, jn, jn'o, jn., jn.o, jno, jno., jno:, jo, jo'n, jo., jo:, joannem, joannes, joannis, joh, joh'es, joh'is, joh'nes, joh'nis, joh., joh:, johan, johan., johanes, johani, johanis, johann, johannem, johannes, johanni, johannis, johes, johes., johis, johis., johne, johnes, johnis, johnn, johnny, johns, joihn, jonis, juan
- Jonas
- jonah
- Jonathan
- johna, johnathan, johnathon, jon, jon., jon:, jona, jonan., jonat, jonath, jonathen, jonathon, jonn, jonn., jonothan
- Joseph
- joe, joeph, joesph, jos, jos'h, jos., jos:, jose, jose', joseh, joseoh, josep, josephe, josephi, josepho, josephum, josephus, josepth, jospeh, josph, jsp, jsp.
- Joshua
- josh, josh., josh:, joshuae, joshuah, josua, josuah
- Josiah
- jos'h, josh, josh., josh:, josia, josias
- Joyce
- jocosa, joice, joyes, joyse
- Judah
- juda
- Judith
- judath, jude, judeth, juditha, judithe, judy, judyth
- Julia
- juliae, julie
- Julian
- gillian, julyan
- Juliana
- julianna
- Karen
- keren
- Kezia
- kesia, kesiah, keziah
- Keziah
- kezia
- Lancelot
- lance, lancelott, lanclot, launcelot
- Laura
- laurie, lora
- Laurence
- larance, laurance, laurentii, laurentius, lawrentius
- Lavinia
- lavina, levina, levinia, livinia
- Lawrence
- laurence, laurentij, law, law., lawr, lawrance
- Leah
- lea
- Lena
- lina
- Leonard
- lenard, lennard, leo, leon, leonarde, leonardi, leonardus
- Leonora
- lenora
- Leslie
- lesley
- Lester
- lister
- Letitia
- laetitia, latitia, letice, leticia, lettice, letticia, lettie, lettis, lettitia, lettuce, letty
- Levi
- levy
- Lewis
- lewes, louis, ludovicus
- Lilian
- lily
- Lily
- lilian, lilias, lilla, lilley, lillian, lillias, lillie, lilly
- Linda
- lynda
- Lionel
- lionell, lyonell
- Llewellyn
- lewelin, lewelyn, llewelin, llewellin, llewelyn
- Louisa
- louie, louise, louiza, lousia, luisa
- Lucy
- luce, lucey, lucia, lucie, lucilla, lucye
- Luke
- lucas
- Lydia
- lidda, liddia, liddy, lidea, lidia, lidy, lidya, lydda, lyddia, lyddy, lydea, lydiah
- Lynn
- lynne
- Mabel
- mabell, mabella, mable, maybell
- Madeline
- madeleine, maudlen, maudlin
- Magdalen
- madeline, magdalena, magdalene, magdalin, magdaline, magdelen
- Mahala
- mahalah
- Malcolm
- malcom
- Margaret
- m'garet, magaret, maggie, mar, maragret, marg, marg't, marg., marg.t, marg:, margar, margarat, margarate, margareta, margaretae, margarete, margareth, margarett, margaretta, margarettae, margarette, margarit, margarita, margaritae, margaritam, margarite, margaritt, margart, margart., margat, margat., margeret, margereta, margerett, margerit, margeritt, margert, margery, marget, margett, margit, margrat, margrate, margratt, margreat, margreet, margret, margreta, margretae, margrete, margrett, margretta, margrit, margritt, margrt, margt, margt., margt:, margtt, marguerite, mergaret, mgt, mgt., peggy
- Margery
- margarie, margary, margere, margeri, margeria, margeriae, margerie, margerye, margory, margrey, marjorie
- Maria
- mary
- Marianne
- mariana, mariane, mariann, marianna, marione, marrian, marrianne, marrion, maryan, maryann, maryanne
- Marjorie
- marjery, marjory
- Mark
- marci, marcus, marke
- Marshall
- marshal
- Martha
- mart, marth, marthae, marthe, marther, matha, mathie, matty, maty
- Martin
- mart, marten, martine, martini, martinus, martyn, martyne
- Mary
- amry, ma, mar, mara, marah, maray, marey, mari, maria, mariae, mariah, mariam, marian, marianne, marie, marion, marry, mary-ann, mary-anne, marya, marye, maryon, meary, meria, meriah, mery, miriam, mollie, molly, mry, my, my., nary, pollie, polly
- Matilda
- mathilda
- Matthew
- marthew, mat, mat., math, math., mathei, matheus, mathew, mathewe, mathias, matt, matt., matt:, matth, matth., matthaei, matthei, mattheus, matthewe, matthias, mattw, mattw.
- Maud
- maude, mawd, mawde
- Maurice
- morris
- May
- maria
- Melinda
- malinda
- Mercy
- marcia, mercie, mercye
- Meshach
- meshack
- Methuselah
- methusalem
- Michael
- mic, micaell, mich, mich., mich:, michaele, michaelem, michaeli, michaelis, michaell, michal, michall, micheal, michel, michell, michl, michl., mychaell, mychell
- Miles
- milo, milonis, myles
- Millicent
- melicent, mellicent, milicent, mille, millecent, milley, millie, millisent, milly
- Minnie
- mina, minna
- Miriam
- meriam
- Molly
- malley, mally
- Morris
- maurice, morice, moris, morrice
- Moses
- moyses
- Muriel
- murial
- Myra
- mira, mirah
- Nathaniel
- nat, nat., nath, nath., nath:, nathan, nathanael, nathanaell, nathaneel, nathanel, nathanell, nathanial, nathanielis, nathaniell, nathanyell, nathl, nathl.
- Neil
- neal, niel
- Nellie
- helena, helenae, helenam, nell, nelly
- Nelly
- helena, helenae, helenam
- Neville
- nevil
- Nicholas
- nic, nic., nich, nich'i, nich., nich:, nichi, nicho, nicho., nicho:, nichol, nicholai, nicholaus, nicholes, nichollas, nichols, nicholus, nichs, nichs., nichus, nicklas, nickolas, nicol, nicolai, nicolas, nicolaus, nicoll, nycho:, nycholas, nycolas
- Noel
- nowell
- Nora
- norah
- Norah
- nora
- Obadiah
- obed, obediah
- Olive
- olivia
- Oliver
- oliveri, oliverus, olliver, olyver
- Osborne
- osborn
- Osmond
- osmund
- Oswald
- oswold
- Owen
- owin
- Parnell
- parnel
- Parthenia
- parthena
- Pascoe
- pasco, pascow
- Patience
- patient
- Patricia
- pattie
- Patrick
- pat, patricii, patricio, patricium, patricius, patricke, patrik, patritii, patritio, patritium, patritius
- Paul
- paule, pauli, paull, paulus
- Pauline
- paulina
- Percival
- percivall
- Percy
- piercy
- Peter
- peeter, pet, petri, petrum, petrus, petter, pierre, pieter
- Peternell
- peternel, petronell, petronella
- Philadelphia
- philidelphia
- Philip
- ph, phil, phil., philipe, philipp, philippe, philippi, philippus, phillep, phillip, phillipe, phillipp, phillippe, phillippi, phillippus
- Philippa
- philipa, phillippa, philly
- Phillip
- philip
- Phillis
- philis, philly, phylis, phyllis
- Phineas
- phinehas
- Phoebe
- phabe, phebe, phebey, pheby, pheebe, pheobe, phobe, phoeby
- Phyllis
- phillis
- Pierce
- pearce
- Priscilla
- precilla, prescilla, pricilla, prisca, prisilla, prissilla
- Prudence
- prudance, prudentia
- Rachel
- rachael, rachaell, rachal, racheal, rachell
- Ralph
- ra, ra., rad., radi, radulphi, radulphus, rafe, raffe, raiph, ralf, ralfe, ralp, ralphe, raph, raphe, rauffe
- Randall
- randal, randell, randle
- Raymond
- ray
- Rebecca
- reb, rebacca, rebbecca, rebec, rebeca, rebecah, rebeccae, rebeccah, rebeccha, rebecka, rebeckah, rebeka, rebekah, rebekkah
- Reginald
- raynold, reignold, renold, reynold
- Reuben
- reubin, ruben, rubin, rueben
- Rhoda
- rhode, roda
- Rhys
- riceus
- Rice
- riceus
- Richard
- dick, rd, rd., rechard, recherd, ri, ri., ric, ric'd, ric'i, ric'us, ric., ric:, ricahrd, ricard, ricardi, ricardus, ricd, ricd., rich, rich', rich'd, rich'd., rich'i, rich., rich.d, rich:, richad, richar, richarde, richardi, richards, richardus, richd, richd., richd:, richdi, richerd, richi, richord, richrd, richus, rici, ricus, ritchard, ryc, ryc., rychard, rycharde, rycherd
- Robert
- bob, rbt, ro, ro., rob, rob't, rob'ti, rob'tus, rob., rob.t, rob:, robard, robart, robarte, robarti, robartt, robartus, robbart, robbert, robeart, rober, roberd, roberte, roberti, roberto, roberts, robertt, robertum, robertus, robet, robin, robrt, robt, robt', robt., robt:, robte, robte., robti, robti., robtt, robtus, robtus.
- Roger
- rodger, rog, rogeri, rogerus, rogger
- Roland
- rouland, rowlandus
- Rosalind
- rosaline
- Rosamond
- rosamund, rosemond
- Rosanna
- rosana, rosannah, rosanne, roseanna, roseannah, rosehannah, rosina
- Rose
- roase, roose, rosa, rosae, rosanna, rosey, rosie, rosse, rosy
- Rosina
- rosanna, rosena
- Rowland
- roland, rowlande, rowlandi
- Russell
- russel
- Ruth
- ruthe
- Sabra
- sebra
- Sampson
- samson
- Samuel
- sam, sam', sam'l, sam'll, sam., sam.l, sam:, samel, samewell, saml, saml., saml:, samll, samll., samll:, sammuel, sammuell, samual, samueli, samuelis, samuell, samul, samwell, sanuel
- Sarah
- sa, saah, sadie, salley, sally, sar, sar., sar:, sara, sarae, sarai, saram, sarath, saray, sarh, sarha, sarra, sarrah, sary, srah
- Selina
- salina, selena
- Seth
- seath
- Shadrach
- shadrack
- Sidney
- sydney
- Silas
- silvanus, sylvanus
- Silvester
- sylvester
- Simon
- simeon, simion, simond, simonis, symon, symond, symonis
- Sinah
- sina
- Solomon
- salomon, soloman
- Sophia
- sophiah, sophie, sophy
- Stephen
- ste, steaven, steephen, steeven, steph, steph., stephan, stephani, stephanus, stephn, stepn, steuen, steven
- Stuart
- steward, stewart
- Susan
- susanna
- Susanna
- shusan, shusana, shusanah, shusanna, shusannah, suanna, sukey, sus, sus., sus:, susa, susan, susan., susan:, susana, susana., susanah, susane, susanh, susann, susannae, susannah, susanne, susey, sushannah, susie, susna, susnh, sussan, sussana, sussanah, sussanna, sussannah, susy, suzan, suzana, suzanna, suzannah, suzanne
- Susannah
- susanna
- Sybil
- sibbell, sibell, sibella, sibil, sibill, sibilla, sible, sibyl, sibylla, sybell, sybella, sybill, sybilla
- Sydney
- sidney
- Sylvia
- silvia
- Tabitha
- tabatha
- Tamar
- tamer, thamar
- Terence
- terrence, terry
- Teresa
- theresa
- Theodore
- ted
- Theodosia
- theodocia
- Theresa
- teresa
- Thirza
- thurza, thyrza, tirzah
- Thomas
- th, th., th:, thmas, tho, tho', tho's, tho's., tho., tho.s, tho.s., tho:, tho:s, thoams, thoas, thom, thom., thom:, thoma, thomae, thomam, thomass, thome, thomes, thomoe, thoms, thoms., thos, thos., thos:, ths, tom, tomas, tommy
- Thomasin
- tamasin, tamesin, tamison, tamsen, tamsin, tamson, tamsyn, tamzin, thamasin, thamsin, thomasen, thomasina, thomasine, thomason, thomasyn, thomazen, thomazin, thomazine, thomsin, tomasin, tomasine, tomazin, tomison
- Thurston
- thurstan
- Timothy
- tim, tim., timothei, timotheus, timothie, tymothie, tymothy
- Tobias
- tobie, toby, tobyas
- Tracey
- tracy
- Tryphena
- triphena
- Uriah
- urias
- Ursula
- ursilla, ursley, vrsula
- Valentine
- valentyne
- Vera
- vere
- Violet
- violetta
- Virginia
- virgin
- Virtue
- vertue
- Vivian
- vivien, vivienne
- Walter
- gualter, gualteri, gualterus, wallter, walt, walteri, walterus, water
- Wilfred
- wilfrid
- Wilhelmina
- williamina
- William
- bill, billy, eilliam, guilielmi, guilielmus, gul, gul., guliel, guliel., gulielm, gulielmi, gulielmo, gulielmum, gulielmus, gwilym, w'm, w.m, w:m, wiiliam, wiilliam, wil, wilhelmi, wilhelmus, wiliam, wiliiam, wililam, will, will', will'i, will'm, will'm., will'mi, will'mus, will'us, will., will.m, will.m., will:, willaim, willam, willelmi, willelmus, willem, willi, willi., willi:, willia, willia', willia., williame, williami, williams, williamus, willian, willie, willielmi, willielmus, williiam, willilam, willim, willim., willimi, willimus, willius, willliam, willm, willm-, willm., willm:, willme, willmi, willmi., willms, willmus, willmus., willus, willy, willyam, wilm, wilm., wilmi, wilyam, wlliam, wllm, wlm, wm, wm', wm., wm:, wmi, wylliam, wyllm, wyllm., wyllyam
- Willis
- will's
- Wilmot
- willmot, willmott, wilmote, wilmott
- Winifred
- winefred, winefrid, winfred, winifrid, winifride, winnefred, winnie, winnifred
- Zaccheus
- zacheus
- Zachariah
- zacariah, zach, zacharia, zacharias, zacharie, zachary, zechariah
- Zillah
- zilla
- Zilpah
- zilpha