Eglwysbach Denbighshire information | FreeREG

Information about Eglwysbach in Denbighshire

Eglwysbach has the following churches: Bryndaionyn Nebo Pwllterfyn St Martin

Details about the place
Field Value
Other possible place names Eglwys-bach
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Grid Reference: SH8070
Latitude: 53.213468
Longitude: -3.798462
Number of transcriptions 8145
First actual year for a transcription
If zero there are records without a date present
Last actual year for a transcription 1929
Latest date a transcription changed: 16 Sep 2024
Last date place information changed 16 Sep 2024
Notes about the place
Number of records by decade
Period Information Those periods with zero data may span several decades. The first may include pre 1530 records. Baptisms Marriages Burials Total
Transcribed by Nancy Milne,Jeffrey Bounds Jinxs Jinxs Nancy Milne,Jinxs,Jeffrey Bounds
1600–1609 10 54 64
1610–1619 13 85 98
1620–1629 4 72 76
1630–1639 11 131 142
1640–1649 10 148 158
1650–1659 8 101 109
1660–1669 8 25 33
1690–1699 31 139 170
1700–1709 38 161 199
1710–1719 60 180 240
1720–1729 58 186 244
1730–1739 67 185 252
1740–1749 50 184 234
1750–1759 67 176 243
1760–1769 103 203 306
1770–1779 114 196 310
1780–1789 96 205 301
1790–1799 95 209 304
1800–1809 94 179 273
1810–1819 252 106 212 570
1820–1829 357 93 192 642
1830–1839 331 85 245 661
1840–1849 269 244 513
1850–1859 236 216 452
1860–1869 172 242 414
1870–1879 32 203 235
1880–1889 176 176
1890–1899 209 209
1900–1909 191 191
1910–1919 195 195
1920–1929 131 131
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