20 Bennett burials from 1802-09-05 to 1892-05-25 25 Bennett marriages from 1574-09-13 to 1876-10-07 186 Bennett baptisms from 1604-11-04 to 1870-04-17
39 Barker burials from 1731-10-28 to 1891-11-28 17 Barker marriages from 1743-12-10 to 1872-12-11 179 Barker baptisms from 1711-02-13 to 1885-12-27
28 Adcock burials from 1753-09-05 to 1900-11-14 42 Adcock marriages from 1728-09-28 to 1891-10-28 283 Adcock baptisms from 1754-11-26 to 1878-06-02
4 Baker burials from 1803-07-12 to 1860-04-22 17 Baker marriages from 1837-03-07 to 1856-07-10 84 Baker baptisms from 1638-11-25 to 1880-07-26
19 Fenn burials from 1678-09-02 to 1815-04-03 16 Fenn marriages from 1610-07-08 to 1783-08-28 68 Fenn baptisms from 1553-03-05 to 1724-06-06
33 Garner burials from 1769-11-06 to 1847-03-06 10 Garner marriages from 1761-10-29 to 1822-07-02 109 Garner baptisms from 1778-06-07 to 1900-06-03
40 Green burials from 1669-01-01 to 1885-03-05 20 Green marriages from 1722-11-18 to 1881-03-22 180 Green baptisms from 1723-12-24 to 1861-06-02
9 Chaplin burials from 1843-03-17 to 1894-11-23 5 Chaplin marriages from 1834-12-25 to 1869-11-24 90 Chaplin baptisms from 1772-03-15 to 1892-12-18
19 Chapman burials from 1771-03-30 to 1902-01-19 10 Chapman marriages from 1807-04-06 to 1848-08-02 129 Chapman baptisms from 1767-09-13 to 1891-03-12
15 Davy burials from 1709-11-09 to 1902-05-30 30 Davy marriages from 1780-12-19 to 1896-12-17 91 Davy baptisms from 1785-10-30 to 1892-10-10
34 Canham burials from 1708-12-18 to 1897-01-13 24 Canham marriages from 1807-04-06 to 1897-10-31 150 Canham baptisms from 1790-11-07 to 1896-03-01
6 Clarke burials from 1779-04-07 to 1888-09-21 25 Clarke marriages from 1766-12-13 to 1898-06-01 92 Clarke baptisms from 1699-09-03 to 1899-09-03
11 Coe burials from 1824-03-23 to 1882-12-28 26 Coe marriages from 1794-11-04 to 1893-10-04 139 Coe baptisms from 1638-07-21 to 1896-04-12
11 James burials from 1749-03-26 to 1815-10-11 7 James marriages from 1564-02-20 to 1816-02-13 125 James baptisms from 1722-06-19 to 1816-05-05
42 Norton burials from 1703-07-03 to 1804-12-12 17 Norton marriages from 1724-10-04 to 1811-01-21 97 Norton baptisms from 1725-09-29 to 1807-06-12
16 Hart burials from 1805-01-03 to 1889-05-08 38 Hart marriages from 1771-01-02 to 1899-11-25 99 Hart baptisms from 1723-07-29 to 1878-04-21
6 Munsawgh burials from 1646-05-03 to 1654-04-08 16 Munsawgh marriages from 1541-07-18 to 1642-11-22 111 Munsawgh baptisms from 1553-04-04 to 1837-08-06
15 Mendham burials from 1817-06-24 to 1886-04-29 9 Mendham marriages from 1816-02-21 to 1892-11-26 146 Mendham baptisms from 1814-10-15 to 1883-05-27
8 Purdy burials from 1816-04-12 to 1869-11-02 108 Purdy baptisms from 1816-04-15 to 1856-07-27
30 Thacker burials from 1723-09-11 to 1901-02-04 29 Thacker marriages from 1744-*-* to 1884-03-16 331 Thacker baptisms from 1745-05-06 to 1899-03-18
45 Rudd burials from 1679-05-17 to 1760-12-06 12 Rudd marriages from 1547-01-30 to 1702-04-09 179 Rudd baptisms from 1539-05-06 to 1714-08-26
7 Whisker burials from 1846-09-30 to 1900-06-28 20 Whisker marriages from 1821-02-21 to 1895-10-17 163 Whisker baptisms from 1823-01-17 to 1900-04-01
13 Secker burials from 1711-09-03 to 1783-01-12 8 Secker marriages from 1703-11-25 to 1894-06-16 91 Secker baptisms from 1705-01-05 to 1900-04-01
41 Tenant burials from 1681-09-25 to 1816-06-02 11 Tenant marriages from 1683-03-26 to 1812-03-19 79 Tenant baptisms from 1677-04-01 to 1836-08-01
16 Warde marriages from 1547-07-17 to 1619-07-* 90 Warde baptisms from 1539-07-25 to 1616-09-15
26 Wright burials from 1648-03-03 to 1849-06-08 22 Wright marriages from 1547-11-28 to 1861-05-20 86 Wright baptisms from 1552-01-10 to 1837-04-02
15 Roberson burials from 1844-06-29 to 1901-12-04 9 Roberson marriages from 1799-07-03 to 1888-08-26 77 Roberson baptisms from 1799-07-11 to 1900-05-20
16 Shearing burials from 1786-11-05 to 1893-01-27 38 Shearing marriages from 1768-12-12 to 1892-12-01 158 Shearing baptisms from 1769-07-15 to 1898-08-16
14 Savage burials from 1773-03-23 to 1873-10-06 19 Savage marriages from 1779-05-18 to 1886-10-14 149 Savage baptisms from 1780-11-12 to 1891-09-27
21 Trendle burials from 1649-05-12 to 1820-02-21 5 Trendle marriages from 1771-12-05 to 1796-03-14 101 Trendle baptisms from 1558-05-20 to 1781-08-11
11 Tennant burials from 1697-11-19 to 1886-03-11 6 Tennant marriages from 1726-12-28 to 1881-03-22 88 Tennant baptisms from 1610-07-20 to 1900-05-03
9 Yaxley burials from 1850-01-23 to 1899-05-29 10 Yaxley marriages from 1847-08-05 to 1873-11-09 96 Yaxley baptisms from 1845-08-17 to 1899-02-05
40 Watson burials from 1765-04-27 to 1838-05-04 90 Watson marriages from 1547-01-30 to 1838-10-15 89 Watson baptisms from 1563-*-* to 1899-02-05
32 Smith burials from 1648-03-04 to 1880-12-15 39 Smith marriages from 1547-01-01 to 1896-12-17 203 Smith baptisms from 1547-02-20 to 1900-06-03