Latin words to recognise
Do not be in awe of old registers written in Latin. There are only a limited number of words to learn to recognise. Something that looks like ‘baptize’ is a baptism, something that looks like ‘matrimony’ is a marriage, and something that looks like ‘mortus’ is a burial. There are a few more, but you will soon get the hang of it.
Baptism words
- filius
- son of
— similarly, male names often end in ‘us’ - filia
- daughter of
— similarly, female names often end in ‘a’ - et
- and
- baptizavi
- I have baptised
- natus
- born (male)
- nata
- born (female)
- gemelli, gemini
- twins
- trigemini
- triplets
Marriage words
- nupsit
- married
- matrimonium
- matrimony
- licentiam
- by licence
- bannum
- by banns
Burial words
- mortus
- died
- sepultavi
- I have buried
- dormit
- sleeping
- corpus
- the body
General words
- parochia
- parish
- in comitatu
- in the county of
(compare with ‘community’) - in agro
- in the county of
(literally ‘in the field of’) - ibidem
- of the same place
- extraneus
- a stranger
Online resources
The following online resources are all suggestions made by our transcribers.
For help with Latin, there is a useful guide on the FamilySearch website, a Latin genealogical word list [and guide to useage].
This list of Oxford Alumni has helped me with some tricky Latin titles.
I’ve suggested this online Latin dictionary before — it’s the most user-friendly one I’ve found.
Here’s another Latin dictionary.
And yet another Latin dictionary, which is more recent. This one is only Latin to English but seems more comprehensive.
This has a look at Latin abbreviations in some depth.
This document is a good one for Latin abbreviations, very comprehensive, but a bit esoteric? It was recommended by someone quite a while ago, but I have found it useful.